A Good Workman Never Blames His Tools...

When we start to fall in love with new hobbies, the shopping spree for the related tools is part of fun. Lets face it. Who doesn't like it. I'm no exception. A good workman never blames his tools, but what if I'm not one of them? With my interests in gardening growing, my tiny shed soon got filled with all sort of tools such as hand trowel, pruners, secateurs, shovel, pitchfork, rake, and even big guys like wheel barrows. And the sizewise small, big, very big...and mega big...etc.

However, the most useful and hardworking tool is actually scissors, I mean just ordinary scissors what I buy at supermarket not even pruner. All the tool has their own special timings. But a pair of scissors is all purpose daily tool and its always in my pocket whenever I head to garden. 

Of course, there are occasions when I use proper pruner or even heavy duty long reach pruner for a tall tree. Once or twice a year and definitely before the spring comes, I carry out annual massive make-over pruning task for olive trees and trees in front of the house. I cut some big branches in the middle to make enough room to avoid congestions and relentlessly get rid of all the unnecessary twigs to leave good space between them so that the trees can breathe. Water sprout(water shoots)and suckers should be taken care of as well unless you want them to grow on purpose for strategic reason. Already dead and on going dying branches or twigs also need to go. A major cleaning. When I finished pruning, I myself used to get so scared at the sight of them, "Have I killed them?? Are they going to be all right??"  Yes, they are all live and kicking (so far...)

I know I cause huge stress to the trees. Imagine how frustrated they get. All the nutrient will get at  a loss not knowing where to go. They will soon find the detour and provide the energy to strong latent candidates. Eventually the tree will end up in better shape in the future. You only need time and patience to see that coming. Sounds a bit familiar with.....

Olive tree just pruned        Olive tree after prunned

Then what about scissors? Other than those massive branch works, a pair of ordinary scissors comes so handy. You can perform deadheading for flowers likes roses and geraniums which blooms and withers quickly. Never ending work in the garden.  Labour of love?? Perfect example. In my neighborhood, I can hardly find any houses with flower bed. Most of them have thick and tall trees and bushes serving as fences and some olive trees in the middle and the rests are clean and neatly rolled out lawn. Professional gardeners visits in every two or three weeks to tidy up the trees, to trim the fences and to cut lawn. Deadheading should be done frequently and on going. Otherwise, the garden looks so untidy and gloomy. Perhaps for the people who can't afford time to look after the flower in the garden, it might be sensible not to have too many flowers. Lucky for my garden to have butler like me!

Deadheading is an important way to redistribute the essential ingredient including nutrient to newly blooming flower buds. By deadheading the withered flower which already had its own heyday, we can encourage more new flowers to bloom. Old flower leaves stage, inviting the new ones to come forward.  Of course, if you want to collect seeds or expect them to self-seed, you would leave them alone. 
Flower bed with many different variety

I'm a huge fan of roses and planted them next to the wall literally almost all around the house. They are very tricky to grow and need extra care not to get too crowded. Scissors can be useful in keeping them under control by constantly cutting excessive branches. When cutting, pay attention in choosing which bud to cut minding which direction you want it to grow. The stem cut out will go a special place for cutting, another favorite fun things to do.

A rose before pruning      direction to prune minding a bud     rose after pruning

I heard the plants grow listening to the footsteps of a farmer. Impressive. I go out to my garden with a mug of coffee or tea many times a day since it provides so much peace and healing to my soul full of stressful noise and restless mind. In return, I take out  my scissors and make them look happier and prettier and more importantly to become healthier. We are taming each other by spending time together every day just like the little prince and his rose. I'm a happy gardener and feel grateful.